How to start Installation of Haskell – Part 2 Note : You must know about your Operating system version either 32bit or 64 bit before downloading Haskell platform properly. Step 3: You may click on direct link for downloading Haskell given below Similarly Step 2: Click on official link for Haskell Platform download This Haskell installation is easy and simple enough on most operating systems. This GHC Platform comes the de-facto standard Haskell compiler, with many useful tools that enable a novice/ beginer user to write, compile and run programs of Haskell easily. GHC is the recommended way to get started with programming Haskell is the Haskell Platform. How to Install Haskell on windows Step by Step guide Part 1 : How to download Haskell Platform (GHC) Haskell is purely advanced functional language. explain in urdu and hindi demonstration for a beginner user how he/she can follow step by step guideline installation of Haskell on Windows 10.

This article will help you you to learn how to install Haskell in a video demonstration for your easiness. Haskell is a general purpose, purely functional programming language. Haskell Programming environment can be instlled on Windows 7,8,10.

This step by step guide and video guideline about Haskell installation will teach you how to install Haskell GHC on windows 10. If you want to create and run Haskell programming language programs on your computer in Windows 10.