Nancy drew her interactive voices
Nancy drew her interactive voices

nancy drew her interactive voices

This game takes place in Hawaii, but Nancy spends 90% of it looking at bug poop.

nancy drew her interactive voices

Thrilling! This game made me more coo-coo than all the clocks. If only he knew! The most exciting thing that happens in the entire game is we can basically admit to Frank Hardy that we have intimacy issues. We can call Ned and the Hardy Boys which is a plus, but we spend half the time fighting with Ned and the other half listening to him mope about how our life is so exciting while his is super lame. Not a single one of them is hot or interesting. The puzzles are awful (this game has the most annoying underground tunnels of all time which is really saying a lot) and the suspects are beyond lame. Yes! This game throws it back to the early Nancy Drew days by making us use a landline! Which, believe it or not, is the least inconvenient part of this game. This is probably fueled by the fact that this place has the world's worst cell phone reception. To make matters worse, not only does every suspect in this game have an over-the-top German accent, but they are also weirdly obsessed with board games. You would think staying in a castle in a foreign country where a monster is on the loose couldn't possibly be boring, but this game says, "hold my beer!" Not only does she take what must be a 9-hour flight where they lose ALL of her luggage, but they somehow also manage to send her to the most boring place she has EVER been. This is Nancy's WORST vacation of all time. But even so, after trying to play this game, believe me you’ll need a drink too. Look, I understand, this game came out in 1999. This game gets last place based solely on the fact that I forgot to grab an item in one area and had to either re-start the entire game or wait 45 REAL minutes for time to pass within the game to go back and get it. (Which I guess is how strangers judged your boyfriend's hotness level before social media.) A hilarious aside made even funnier by the fact that Ned is voiced by a completely different actor here than in the rest of the series. One of which is just Maddy saying Ned's voice sounds cute. You receive multiple handwritten messages that are left for you next to a landline telephone. Half the evidence is on videotapes, faxes, and floppy disks. I mean it was made in a time where soap stars were still considered relevant. Look, this game is terrible, but can you really blame it? It's ancient.

Nancy drew her interactive voices