If putting these back causes problem, try putting one back at a time. Observe! After every file/folder, start the game and make sure it still works, before putting in the next one. Start putting folders back in the new The Sims 4-folder.If no, post a reply telling us the error is still there.(The game will have created a new The Sims 4-folder in your documents, this is supposed to happen) Start the game, make a new save, and see if the error is gone.Rename the The Sims 4-folder in C:\Users\Username\Documents\Electronic Arts to The Sims 4_backup.Make a backup copy your The Sims 4-folder from C:\Users\Username\Documents\Electronic Arts to an external drive or somewhere else on your computer, for example your desktop.Resetting your files to factory settings. Which folder caused the problem? If you didn't put then back one at a time, please redo it When you do this, you're supposed to put one folder back at a time, start the game, then put the next back. sims 4 origin is not installed and is required to play your gamesims4originisnotinstalledandisrequiredtoplayyourgameoriginisnotinstalledandisrequiredtoplay. a backup file of my game somewhere and restart the game.

Apex Legends Mobile Limited Regional Launch.